webmail is currently not available due to security issues at server side ! Enable Notes Traveler in the setup panel if installed.
Latest version 0.7
Click here to download the latest version.
As I was bored to use multiple apps to consult my iNotes mail and company blog, I decided to build something myself to have it all under one hood. If you think you can benefit from it, please feel free to install and use it. Feedback is always welcome. :-)
Changelog V0.7
New - enable other Traveler functionalities
New - add links to CC Eshop and ING CarLease
Changelog V0.6
New - Support to launch Notes Traveler Mail iso webmail
New - Facebook Share button to promote the app ;-)
Changelog V0.5
New - checkbox added to disable splashscreen
Update - buttons resized
Changelog V0.4
New - setup panel
New - splashscreen
Changelog V0.3
Rebuild app using google appinventor
Changelog V0.2
New - access to extranet via tabs
Changelog V0.1
Firdt build using Appgeyser.com
Only showing the blog